
Sam Herschel Wein and I made a chapbook together called Gesundheit! And now it’s going to be published by one of our favorite chapbook presses, Glass Poetry!! Congratulations to all the poets whose collections were picked up—can’t wait to read them. And congratulations to the stunning finalists. 🐳 🎊

Glass Poetry Chap Winners!.JPG

Our collection consists of poems by Sam, poems by me, and some completely collaborative work, too. These pieces examine lemons, bike marathons, heteronormative society, failure, soap operas, Ikea bags, and that most universal of experiences—sneezing.

Ultimately, the chapbook is a celebration of queer friendship—between two young poets (and cuties mhm). Thanks to editor Anthony Frame for believing in this collaboration and for all the labor that goes into this beautiful chapbook series.

Read the full official announcement here.